UrSubconscious's Application





Why Anembra?
I recently came back to minecraft after a year long break, for my real life. One of the last servers I played on ran RuneCraft as well as a gold based economy, I really enjoyed it. Now its gone and I lost contact with the woman that used to run it. On my return I tried a couple of servers and have been running into problems with Call of Duty Kids. Kids that sit around talking shit because their parents arent looking, spamming the chat, making and closing cities, strip mining warp points. Bleh I hate kids online.

How did you find us?
I hit the minecraft Looking For section of the forums and saw how this is a Mature Server that also has many features I am looking for.

Secret code?

If referred by a player, post his/her IGN?

Feel free to add any other information, or links to screenshots of previous creations:
I've been playing minecraft on and off again for several years, enjoy geeking out with some redstone or megafarms. I love building in the Nether and The End. The way that both of those environments feel so threatening entertains me, they really arent that bad. Once you are in control of the way mobs spawn in your area The End is quite peaceful.

I used to run my own server, although it was pretty unsuccessful, but as a result I am aware of how plugins operate as well as general use of commands and bukkit. I'm pretty handy with worldedit also.