I, Opal3401, Hereby sue Mr_MoonPie.


Active Member
And this is a people's case, and I'm the head of the people. And due to your lack of activity Opal. Your claims are not valid, even when you are the one suing. The people are In a overwhelming support for my imperial dominance, even Twinnie, she just doesn't know it yet, besides, we all love to kick you around :) so letting you win can't possibly happen! Hmm. We should just make Moonie tell you bad jokes again. :)<


New Member
I will also get my revenge on Atlas, moonie, and ranger. Prepare your anus and your pvp gear. I will be coming for you.


Active Member
Moonie, army and I are gods, we cannot be killed, you dear pathetic mortal, should prepare your anus.


New Member
Army, a house divided amongst itself cannot stand. Such is the way of society. Basically, if there is no government, the whole world goes to shit. Sure, we can argue that our current government is not effective or doing its job correctly, but the government is essential. How else can we organize farms and medicine and schools? Anyway you put it, there is some ruling body, because realistically, humans are cold, sadistic bastards who, left alone, will only work for themselves. Your vision of anarchy is unsustainable, because government was created to serve the needs of the people, not (like anarchists like to put it) for us to serve them. The good thing in the Western world, at least, is that we ARE the government. I doubt that you have done everything in your power to change everything you find wrong with our government. Only when you have done everything under your legal right to change something as a citizen of the United States, will I consider your call to lawlessness, or at least less government.
*Rant over*
Woaahh there buddy, this is Minecraft and the subject is Anembra, not the real world. I never once stated anything on the presence of real-world anarchy.