Sounds like a good idea.I think Klandan is 100% right, and I think that more game-side gold sinks could be effective.
I was going to offer this as an idea for a microtransation, but this actually may be more useful as an economic gold sink.
What if it was possible to buy an "Insurance Plan?"
Players can pay 20g for the privilege to keep their items on their next death. I'm sure many players would buy this, as most of them don't die often, but it would be really nice not to lose all of your hard-earned enchanted armor and weapons when you die.
Implementations like this would surely keep the game interesting and likewise stimulate the economy.
EDIT: Some talk on the server has suggested some changes.
- Price would be calculated based on (deaths / time played). That way, people who tend to die more would need to pay more, those who died less pay less, similar to a real insurance company.
- Either:
- Player would pay per-day. So if they played on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, they would only be charged for four days.
- Cost would tick even while player was inactive, similar to towny.
Not sure how the play/money quota would work out in a practical sense, but I like the general idea.