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  1. Ranger

    Check In 2024

    How are we holding up, fellas? I haven't seen this forum in a decade.
  2. Ranger


    I was contemplating going to prom....til I figured out how expensive it was. $70 for tickets, $200 for a nice tux (got a friend spending over 4k for his); $60 for dinner? Nah. It's no fun when my wallet gets dried out :(. But man, there's some sick after parties coming up after my prom that are...
  3. Ranger

    minercrafter3001's Application

    Your grammar is better than all the 18 year olds I know...
  4. Ranger

    I, Opal3401, Hereby sue Mr_MoonPie.

    Atlas may think he dominates all on here, but I dominate him where it matters. [Broken External Image]:
  5. Ranger

    I, Opal3401, Hereby sue Mr_MoonPie.

    Woaahh there buddy, this is Minecraft and the subject is Anembra, not the real world. I never once stated anything on the presence of real-world anarchy.
  6. Ranger

    I, Opal3401, Hereby sue Mr_MoonPie.

    Y'all are some perplexed, blinded imbecilities. It's not hard to see what the law is, it's completely unobtrusive! There is no universal law and there is no jury. Anarchy I tell ya'! Atlas is just practicing his usual sybarite attitude that you guys were foolish enough to fall in to as...
  7. Ranger

    Economy Issues

    Let's cut to the chase, it's an alibis for a dominate sphere of influence. Why not be Elysian anyways? Don't we all wish to be immortal heroes!? :)
  8. Ranger

    [Town] Elysium

    *Cracks his knuckles* Don't make me come back from the grave. I'm more than ready to for a good fight. I will be preparing my pig army for battle. Fear shall be instilled in your souls; ask redhand0421 about the previous pig siege of his town (on Tekkitopia). They're not to be hassled with.
  9. Ranger

    What Are You Listening To ~

    Hey hey, time to take a trip down nostalgic lane! Back to the age of the shamanistic, psychedelic Kings of Rock and Roll.
  10. Ranger

    Screenshots Here!

    Childish? Sounds like a complement. "Growing up" only makes you mediocre and dull. The most interesting people are the ones who sustain a child's mind into adulthood. They only masquerade as adults because that's what is expected of us. We'd all see the magic in the world if we view things...
  11. Ranger

    [Town] Elysium

    -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- [Photos Coming Soon] ================================================================================= Background: Elysium is a free society-town that was founded in...
  12. Ranger

    Tree Capacitator

    This was by far the most lovely plugin we had in Tekkit and we should resume to have it in vanilla. Cutting trees is a bore and having to cut down floating clocks just seems unrealistic. We beg you, please add tree capacitor to the plugin list so we our headaches of cutting down these bloody...
  13. Ranger

    I am not a man, I am a dynamite in your labyrinth.

    I am not a man, I am a dynamite in your labyrinth.